Bonus Recipe – Michigan Cherry Chocolate Gluten Free Cookies

Bonus Recipe – Michigan Cherry Chocolate Gluten Free Cookies

Jul 17, 2018 | All Blog Posts, Recipes | 0 comments

Anyone who has been to Traverse City knows that you can’t leave town without some cherries. We made a stop at the Cherry Republic and picked up some of their dark chocolate covered cherries and we felt inspired so here is the most amazing cookie we have ever tasted!

Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 1 C plus 2 T King Arthur Gluten Free baking mix
  • 1/2 C butter, softened
  • 6 T Whey Low sugar substitute
  • 6 T Whey Low Gold brown sugar substitute
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/2 t baking soda
  • 1 t Kraken dark spiced rum (because I didn’t bring vanilla)
  • 1 cup of Cherry Republic dark chocolate covered cherries, cut into halves

Preheat oven to 375°
Cream together butter and sugars then beat in the egg, salt, baking soda, and rum until creamy.
Add the flour and cherries and blend until incorporated.
Spoon onto a cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes or lightly golden. The recipe should make 24 cookies.
Try not to eat the entire tray because these take chocolate chip cookies to a whole new level!


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