Day 1 in Paris and This Happened

Jun 4, 2024 | All Blog Posts, Lifestyle | 12 comments

Why are we enjoying dinner tonight in our Paris apartment? Well, it’s been a rough first day. 😔 I can’t believe it happened but I (Michelle) took a terrible fall. Unfortunately, I saw the inside of a Paris hospital within the first 24 hours of being in Europe. 🤦🏻‍♀️

A late breakfast

We had a leisurely morning, slept in and recuperated from our jet lag a bit. We enjoyed the most delicious café and gluten free treats (more on the gluten free food in Paris in another blog). We took the metro to Montmartre, wandered up to the Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, and then decided to walk the 300 steps to the top of the dome of the basilica. 

From the top of the basilica

So far so good, then I landed on one step wrong as we were walking back down the tower. I slipped backwards and slammed my head on 100 year old stone. There was a lot of blood, as there usually is with head trauma. 

So much blood even I was startled, not to mention Brian. The look on his face was pure shock and fear. Immediately I was mad at myself. I should have looked better, I should have walked more carefully, I should have worn better shoes, and then I realized I had to get back down those stupid spiral stairs. 

By the time I was ready to walk, security had made its way up because they heard about the fall and an ambulance was on its way. They said it was protocol and I had to go to the hospital. It was a good thing I went as I ended up with 4 staples in my head. I only went to the hospital because they insisted and I wasn’t going willingly. 

Escorted down the dome by paramedics

Yep, my first full day in Paris and I end up at a hospital to get staples in my head. The experience at a Parisian hospital is another story entirely. However, in short, if you have a medical emergency in Paris please go to the local American hospital. You will thank me. Seriously, write that down and don’t forget. 

My poor blood soaked sweater and my impractical (yet cute) shoes

Now it’s time to move on from this experience and salvage the rest of our time in Paris. Fortunately we were able to rearrange our schedule so nothing was a total loss. Unfortunately in 7-10 days I have to find a clinic to remove my staples. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Wish me luck.

As for Paris, I pray this was our only meal indoors.


  1. Sue

    I’m so sorry this happened! I hope you have a much better rest of your trip with no more falls!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Thanks! Me too! ❤️

  2. Candace Prado

    Dude! I’m in tears reading this! Girl, please take it easy and whatever comes your way take it easy.

    • Cruisin Michelle

      I’ve been in tears all evening. I’m so pissed at myself. And Spanish hospitals are a million times better than French ones!! 😣

  3. Donna Banks

    I guess I am on your blog. Good heavens!! I am so sorry!!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Thanks! It’s been a day. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. Michele Uhl

    You need some CranioSacral Therapy on your head!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      I know! I’m looking into this first this in the morning. I promise!

  5. Karen Lucker Rom

    Yes, definitely go to the American Hospital when in Paris. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope it doesn’t affect the rest of your trip. Those stairs in Europe are treacherous!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Lesson learned. 😏 I’ve been to a Spanish hospital and had a great experience. I should have known better about the stairs and been more careful but life happens. Cheers to healing!

  6. Jenny Reeve

    Oh, no! Bless you. I do hope the rest of your trip goes much better and that you are not in too much pain. I was shocked when I saw the photo of your blood soaked sweater!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      It was quite a shock. That was the most tame photo I was willing to share. My head looks awful. Here’s to making the best of it. ❤️


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