Camino del Norte | San Sebastián to Zarautz | Day 2

Camino del Norte | San Sebastián to Zarautz | Day 2

Jun 12, 2024 | All Blog Posts, Camino del Norte | 2 comments

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The views on this Camino don’t stop! Everywhere you look is a photo op!! I don’t have enough adjectives in my vocabulary to describe what we see, and of course, the photos don’t do it justice. 

Today we met a ton of pilgrims from all over the world. We met pilgrims from America, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, England, Finland, and lots of Canadians. It was great to engage with so many people. It – almost – made me think less about the climbs. 

I love it when the horses pose

This elevation gain, loss, and gain again is tough and we’re just getting started. My knees ache and the walking is slow. Hopefully our bodies will adjust to what we’re doing soon. 

But, oh my gosh, the villages are beautiful. The ocean is a massive delight to look at all day, sometimes up close and other times from a distance. The mountains are lush and bright green. And of course, there are plenty of animals to distract us. I swear Camino cattle are the most photographed in the world. 😆

The weather is improving but it’s still raining at least part of every day and it’s chilly. The cold doesn’t bother me but I could do without the rain. Fortunately the rain just adds to the vibrant colors around us. 

Only a couple of days until our next big city, Bilbao where we are taking two full rest days. Can I get a hallelujah?! 🙌🏼

👉🏼 Follow our social media channels for more videos and photos throughout our Camino.

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  1. Michael Ostrowski

    Hola! I’m enjoying following along on your Camino as always. Thanks for sharing your adventures! Felt so bad for you reading about your fall in Paris, but great to hear that you’re recovering and it didn’t stop you at all. Buen Camino to you both!

    • MColeman

      Hi Michael! Yeah, Paris left an impression, but heck, so is this Norte route. Wow! Thanks for following the blog along. ❤️


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