I’m no longer having bad thoughts about Meteorologists or Mother Nature. I am embracing Wim Hof and his cold theories. Think about this – after a game athletes take ice baths. We’ve received a good ice bath every day of this trip thus far. Hallelujah! 🤨🤷🏻♀️
I am channeling Elsa as I sing, “the cold never bothered me away.” I am dreaming of the Great St. Bernard Pass in Switzerland, thinking about how we’re ready for that cold too! Today was a steady incline – all-flipping-long yet we only gained 689 feet of elevation. I hated all 689 feet of it so basically I’m screwed.
I know it’s all about mindset and I’m trying. Today was rough at 14.4 miles of the same view all day. My joy consisted of this “waterfall” below and a clean port-a-potty (sorry no photos). The restaurant we wanted to eat at was closed, the benches were few and far between, we laid down in muddy grass out of exhaustion, and we walked in silence focusing on putting one foot in front of another.

The day started and ended much better than the middle part for which we won’t speak of again. I will add that Brian has been instructed upon my passing to donate a bench in this section engraved, “because everyone needs to take a load off.”
A huge thanks to our hosts tonight. For the third night in a row people have opened their homes to us and we are thankful beyond words. Tonight our friends know us well. I’ll leave that right here.

Todays total mileage: 14.4 miles. Total spent: $16 for Starbucks this morning mostly so we could watch Lily the dog enjoy a “pup cup” and to say thanks to Mary for hosting us last night. $120 to buy a our hosts, Amber & Lance and their kids, dinner (including a selfish pitcher of margaritas). $30 at Kroger for a couple necessities.