Camino del Norte | Bilbao to La Arena | Day 7

Camino del Norte | Bilbao to La Arena | Day 7

Jun 18, 2024 | All Blog Posts, Camino del Norte | 4 comments

We’ve been walking for a week. My feelings are a mix between excitement about what we’re seeing and a bit of homesickness. I always get this feeling about a week into any summer trip, especially since becoming a grandma.

The Cathedral de Santiago in Bilbao 

This feeling is especially strong when we aren’t meeting a lot of people or creating relationships that last more than a day. We are meeting a lot of people along the Way but we have not made those lasting relationships yet. A lot of people we’ve been walking with ended their Camino in Bilbao. We have faith in the Camino so we know there are good things coming. 

From Bilbao

The two day break in Bilbao was fantastic because we both needed it. My legs were hurting really bad from all the climbing. We slept in, we wandered the city quite a bit, we got massages, and enjoyed a leisurely pace. But, we are on Camino and it was time to begin again today.

Leaving Bilbao is quite industrial, so we took a metro train to Portugalete. This means we walked around Bilbao for about a kilometer to find breakfast and get to our train, then we took a train to Portugalete, and then we wandered around Portugalete for a few kilometers before we started walking the Camino again. The start and stop of today was a bit much for both of us. Once we stopped in Portugalete, we were ready to be done.

The Portugalete Bridge

Portugalete is a cute town! I love the escalator walkways that get you up the hill easily! I love the tram that gets you across the water. The town really is adorable but I’m glad we moved on to La Arena because I wanted to be back on the ocean! In the end, we walked about 16 kilometers.

The walking/bike path connecting Portugalete to La Arena

I love the scenery all around us and I love walking Caminos. However, not every day is a great day. Today wasn’t a bad day, it just wasn’t a great day. The walking was the easiest it’s been thus far. Heck, maybe that was the problem, it was too easy. 😆 We walked a bike/walking path the entire time. I wish we had a walking/bike path this nice in Ohio. It was quite easy walking but my mind just focused on everything that hurts and my homesickness. It happens.

From industrial to rural, the Camino changes

Tonight we’re in an outstanding apartment with a balcony overlooking the ocean and free use of the washing machine. Dinner is less than 200 meters away. Last night we FaceTimed with our son and granddaughter. It doesn’t get much better! I think we may even have a sunset over the water. I have a lot to be thankful for today. ❤️

The view from our apartment tonight

We love sharing our travels with you. Most importantly we love hearing from you! Thanks for the comments and messages! We appreciate you! ❤️

Tomorrow will be a better day.

👉🏼 Why follow our social media channels? For even more photos and stunning videos of our adventures. YouTube videos are coming but they always come out after the blog. 

👇🏼 Why comment on this blog? To show that silly algorithm people are interested in our blog. Leave an easy comment like, “write more blogs!” You’ll make us smile! 😊 


  1. Donna Banks

    This place looks very nice. You are going to end up with strong leg muscles! That’s a good thing.
    A big thank you for the very cool horse picture. You know how much I love those pictures.

    • CruisinColemans

      I think about you every time I take horse pictures! ❤️

  2. Sue

    Sounds just lovely and hang in there, you’ll be home before you know it smooching on your adorable granddaughter in person!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Thank you! It’s so beautiful and I am enjoying it so much. But it’s easy to miss her when I’m down. ❤️


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