Arriving in Irún, Spain

Jun 9, 2024 | All Blog Posts, Camino del Norte | 8 comments

We’ve arrived in Irún, Spain, in the northeast tip of Spain. It’s gorgeous here! I can feel the Camino energy all around me. We’re excited to start our Camino but what an adventure thus far. I’m starting the Camino a bit broken but don’t we all start that way?

We’d tried something new this year which was to enjoy a bit of holiday (vacation) time before we started our Camino. I’m not sure it was the best idea. You can read about that in a previous blog. In short, I cut my head open on a set of marble stairs. I have staples in my head and I had a terrible – just awful – hospital experience. 

What should we do?

What does that mean for our Camino? I’m not completely sure. I’ve been resting a lot the past couple of days. My head still hurts, there’s still bleeding. Tomorrow is a very challenging day with multiple, big climbs. The plan is to walk 5 kilometers to our first town, then assess again. I may decide to taxi to the next town, I may decide to try the climb. I’m tuned into my body and I’ll do my best to listen. 

The Camino is busy!! We’ve heard some pilgrims are struggling because they haven’t made advance reservations. If you’re walking the Camino del Norte, there are lots of options around here to stay but you would be wise to book in advance. We use the Wise Pilgrim app and the Cicerone guide book to make our decisions for lodging and route planning. We book everything in advance, don’t judge, it’s our Camino our way.

I’m glad we decided to start in Irún. It’s got everything we need, including tapas (fresh, warm appetizer bites) and café con leche (Spanish coffee). Of course there are grocery stores, pharmacies, bakeries, sporting goods stores, and even a gluten free bakery!!! 🙌🏼 These are all essentials on our Camino. 

We’ve hand washed our clothes, rested the afternoon away, and now it’s time to find an evening meal before we drift off for the night and our Camino truly begins. 

Warm goat cheese salad with bacon and pine nuts

When we entered our hotel in Irún, my daypack fell over and my shell broke. I’m truly starting this Camino broken in so many way. I pray for healing as we walk.

If you have questions about the Camino, this is our 6th one so we’ll be happy to answer them below. 


  1. Mary Posey

    Please listen to your body especially if you’re bleeding. Praying for you!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Thank you! Will do. ❤️

  2. Donna Banks

    I am listening to Judy Collins sing Send inthe Clowns while reading your blog entry. I pray you will be okay and I am so glad to hear you are listening to your body. I also know your intelligence is beyond compare which means you will not jeopardize your health. Taxis are good!! I pray for a wonderful Camino my friends 🧡

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Haha, great song especially for the situation. 😆 Taxi’s are a friend on the Camino. ❤️

  3. Heidi

    Hi there
    Thanks for sharing your experience. Do you use a backpack service? If so, is it easy available?
    Could you post the name of the accomidations you’re staying?
    Have a safe trip!

    • Cruisin Michelle

      Hi Heidi!
      We are using a luggage service, we’re using Correos. It’s super easy. Actually we have a video coming out on YouTube this week explaining our luggage service and how we set it up/make changes to it.

      As for where we are staying, we’re not listing them this year. We’re not trying to promote one vs. another. However, all of our accommodations were found either on the website or on

      I hope that helps!
      Take care!

      • Heidi

        Thanks a lot
        Buen Camino

        • Cruisin Michelle

          Thank you! You are welcome!


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